Tuesday, December 17, 2019


      I made my first cup of coffee, not as pleasant as I would of thought. My sister in law gave me a Keurig to try out. Now I'm not knocking it at all. All I did was put a cup under the spout and push a button. The coffee is good. What is missing? My morning routine was changed. Some might think that was ok, but me, not so much. The house doesn't have that smell of coffee brewing, and I didn't get to fill my cup with cream and slowly add the hot liquid. Now that I have a half of cup left I can't add a little more without waiting again to brew. Is it worth the change. No, I don't think so. I like the warm feeling I get when I have my coffee pot in a snuggle right on my coffee table beside me! It just waits right there while I write or watch my morning you tube. Waiting so patiently, you see I love my morning routine, the way it was. I will be giving the Keurig back. Some times slow is good, and smells start my day. I hope you all have great day with your morning coffee!


  1. Although I'm not a big coffee drinker (I prefer tea), you just can't beat the smell of coffee brewing can you.

    Enjoy your day

    All the best Jan

  2. No you can't, I think I need the smell more than the coffee. I do like, Irish Morning sometimes.

  3. I also love the routine. I use a French Press and will never go back to a coffee pot. To me it is so much cleaner and fresher. I have never wanted a Keurig. To me it seems like a lot of plastic waste and you can't compost anything. At least I don't think you can.
