Tuesday, December 17, 2019


      I made my first cup of coffee, not as pleasant as I would of thought. My sister in law gave me a Keurig to try out. Now I'm not knocking it at all. All I did was put a cup under the spout and push a button. The coffee is good. What is missing? My morning routine was changed. Some might think that was ok, but me, not so much. The house doesn't have that smell of coffee brewing, and I didn't get to fill my cup with cream and slowly add the hot liquid. Now that I have a half of cup left I can't add a little more without waiting again to brew. Is it worth the change. No, I don't think so. I like the warm feeling I get when I have my coffee pot in a snuggle right on my coffee table beside me! It just waits right there while I write or watch my morning you tube. Waiting so patiently, you see I love my morning routine, the way it was. I will be giving the Keurig back. Some times slow is good, and smells start my day. I hope you all have great day with your morning coffee!

Monday, December 16, 2019

New blog and a warm cup of coffee.

  My hubby works for the highway so he was out plowing all night. we got just over 2 inches and it was pretty. The temp rose enough to have most of it melted by this morning. He made it home and he was fed and put to bed. He goes back in this evening for the next snow band coming in.
      So while hubby is sleeping am making a new blog and trying my best not to wake him. Our next round was suppose to start around 3 this after noon, so I hope he sleeps good today.
       I'm still working on Christmas gifts, have some wrapping to do and a little food to get for Christmas day. We always have a big breakfast with all the trimmings, while the ham is baking. The early afternoon a light lunch of ham, cheeses and fresh rolls. Lots of cookies and treats as the kids play. I can't wait. This is my family
This was the best shot to catch us at our best, Not all pictures are perfect but this is us just the same, I had a good one where everyone was posed just right but I love this one. All of them will be here Christmas and I can't wait, love them all. Have a wonderful day, God Bless.